Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Ok. New to blogspot, and hey it's by Google, so this ought to be pretty dogon good. Here I will actually talk more about computers and all that good stuff.

So let me introduce myself. My name is Mike. I'm a computer tech, I work on computers all day, so it's pretty much my life, at least it is right now. I don't have a girlfriend, don't have many friends for that matter, yeah boo hoo, who cares. However, I will post useful information that hopefully no one else has on the internet. That's actually hard to do these days, most things are just repeats or paraphrases of other blogs, I could steal from Mary Jo Foley all day long, though we have the same last names, she would probably still sue me, so I wont.

So let me get some things worked on and get some good stuff written up.

- Mike

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